32124 Paseo Adelanto Suite #7
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675


Auto Repair & Vehicle Services

It can happen every day that small or major damages to your car need to be repaired. The unexpected can happen at any time. We can help repair minor or major damage, across a wide variety of vehicle makes. Furthermore, we offer a broad range of original replacement parts and quality workmanship from ASE certified and factory-trained technicians that you can trust and rely on. Rattling muffler? The air-conditioning is on strike again? Engine light won't turn off? These are all problems that the CDE AUTO REPAIR staff is happy to solve for you. We have high-quality diagnostic equipment that works on most vehicle makes and models!

Honda, Acura, Toyota, Lexus, Scion, Nissan, Infiniti, Mazda, Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, Audi, Porsche, Volkswagon, Datsun, Subaru, Mini, Chevrolet, GMC, Buick, Cadillac, etc. We do it all!

Thinking about upgrading to get with the current times? We can swap in that disc brake kit you've had your eye on and get rid of those pesky drums for you. Need more power? We can either build you an engine or add some performance bolt-ons of your choice. Stiffer suspension? Bring it in. Our guys have many years of experience and a lot of trial and error time. Don't be afraid to ask what size turbo you're going to need for your sr20 240sx swap or what brand headers flow best on a dodge 426 hemi.

Some of our services at a glance:
Major or minor auto repair work
Check engine light
Brake service
Engine repairs
Timing belts
Front CV axles
Catalytic Converter


Oil and filter change
Air filter replacement
In-cabin air filter
Inspect hoses
Check fluids
Tire rotation
Coolant service
Automatic/Manual transmission service (if applicable)
Drive belts
Spark plugs
Timing belt
CV axles
Oil leaks
Valve cover gaskets
Oil pan
Oil change
Scheduled tune-ups/services
Air-conditioning service

Other Services

Additional Services
Our many clients appreciate the special service we offer at CDE AUTO REPAIR. Thanks to our comprehensive services you can come to us knowing you are bringing your car to a trustworthy repair shop for any car repair problems. We would be glad to welcome you as a new client and convince you of our work.

24-Hour Drop-off

Your vehicle has to go in for repair or service and you aren't able to bring it by during regular business hours? Your vehicle breakdown after hours? At CDE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR that's no problem - If possible, make a prior appointment during our business hours, simply park your car in our lot. Just leave us your keys by placing them in one of the envelopes provided and place them in the slot on the door for this purpose. In the case of after-hours breakdown, have the vehicle towed to our lot and leave us your keys by placing them in one of the envelopes provided and place them in the slot on the door for this purpose.